Inclusivity & SEND
Impartial Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support (SENDIASS) in Hampshire
This resource has been made to help young people with SEND consider their options after Yr11.
Post16 leaflet - for SEND secondary school students
College leaflets - SEND students who are considering Uni
Top BAME Employers in the UK
Understanding the skills that neurodiversity brings
Understanding your rights as a young carer and advice on different ways into education and employment.
A social enterprise that exists to ensure:
- Inclusive employers can reach and retain a skilled and diverse pool of talent.
- Talented disabled candidates can access a range of opportunities with employers who put talent first.
Green Flags for inclusion:
•Social media presence – do they celebrate diversity/pride?•Do they have an LGBT+ staff network?•Search their website for diversity or inclusion•Does the application process welcome diverse applicants?•Do they have senior LGBT+ champions or staff who are “visible” as LGBT+?•Are their goods and services those that you’d want to use as an LGBT+ person?•Beyond Reflections - (formerly Chrysalis) Gender Identity Matters
Beyond Reflections (•Mermaids – for gender diverse children and young people•Breakout Youth – Hampshire:•LGBT switchboard: 0300 330 0630•It gets better project: -
From Hampshire SENDIASS:
"Thinking about your options after leaving school? Find out more about education and employment options in Hampshire for over 16’s. There’s much more out there than just sixth form or college."
This poster has been designed by the Hampshire Careers Partnership to support young people with SEND to consider their current skills and identify any new ones they may like to develop.