Hampshire Futures
Our online support includes careers information, advice and activities to help you with your future planning, and improve your employability skills. We have provided links to recommended career websites, updates from colleges and sixth forms and career videos on a variety of useful topics. We are continually updating and adding resources to this page and so please check back regularly.
If you need more personal careers advice, our qualified careers professionals may be able to help. Our advisers can work with you either by phone, email, face to face, or in a virtual capacity. Please contact us on careers.service@hants.gov.uk
If you require these resources in an alternative format or would like additional topics covered, please contact us using the details above.
Hampshire Futures careers and employability service – Privacy Notice
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Upcoming events
School, College & Higher Education
Employment & training opportunities
Careers websites
Newly arrived in the UK
LMI (Labour Market Information)
Useful websites
Interactive careers videos
Opportunities & information for those in Care & Care leavers
Inclusivity & SEND
Local Employers
Professionals & Partnership links