How 2... Film at Home

This book shows you how to record videos for your classes at home. We will try to help you get the best out of any media assets you need to create, with the equipment you may already have at home

Pre Production - Prepare your location

Find a suitable location

Unless you have access to a studio, finding a suitable location that is clutter and noise free can be a challenge. Filming outside is a good option, but is weather dependent (too wet, windy, sunny, etc), if it's too windy, the microphone will pick up the wind noise. To reduce this, use a lapel mic and tuck it inside your collar and/or stand with the wind behind you. 

The easiest option is to film at home or in the office, but before you do this, consider you background.

A tidy background is less distracting, your viewers may be more tempted to look at your surroundings rather than you if there are a lot of other thing to look at.